Quick, Simple Crab-Artichoke Pasta
(Or making lunch in fifteen minutes)
Sometimes, even when you’re in a hurry, your subconscious can dig out something amazing and throw it forward to your conscious mind at just the right time to make use of it.
We have a pretty large pantry at home what with all the cooking that goes on. We also have a stand-alone freezer down in the garage/basement. Every now and again when I’m out shopping I see something that I think would be good for adding to one of these places on an ongoing basis. In this case, at Trader Joes I ran across cans of artichoke hearts and cans of crabmeat – both cheap (slightly over a dollar). So I bought about four of each for a rainy day.
The artichokes have proven to be more popular and successful in that they get used for antipasto or salads pretty regularly. Not so the crabmeat.
So on Saturday we are in a huge hurry for lunch. I get called to be told that the rest of the family will be arriving from some errand or other in about ten minutes and they expect to be fed. So…
Quick, Simple Crab-Artichoke Pasta
1) On goes the big pasta pot filled with hot water out of the faucet.
2) I run down to the pantry to get angel hair pasta and see the crabmeat and artichokes. I grab a can of each and run back up. I rapidly peel and chop four cloves of garlic and four very small onions. They start frying in olive oil. Then I add three left over small yellow summer squash and a small zucchini – also diced up small. Then in go the artichokes.
3) I remember to salt the pasta water.
4) I add the crabmeat AND the water it was in to the garlic, onion, artichokes and vegetables.
5) time to put the pasta in – I break it into shorter pieces since it will be tossed with the sauce.
6) I turn down the heat to low on the sauce and stir in about 2/3 of a cup of cream cheese.
7) The pasta takes 3 minutes. Drain, toss with sauce, serve with grated romano and also it will need a little salt.
8)Somewhere in there I found time to finely slice four red bell peppers to go with the pasta.
Elapsed time was about 15 minutes but not bad at all really and the pasta was really, really good.
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