One wasn’t enough
I had to go and start another blog. At least this one I can pass off as a business expense…
Some of you know that I am in the throes of starting a small publishing company of my own. Not surprisingly, its first title will be about cooking and food. Specifically it will be a compilation of the best food blog writing from Summer 2003 through Summer 2004. Not quite everyone that I invited to take part agreed to do so, but it was a surprisingly small number that didn’t want to give it a try. Anyway, things are coming to a head. Business filing is this week. RFQs have gone out to printers. Main body of book is copy edited. Intro is being edited. Cover copy is being finalized. Copies should be back from printer in very early February.
So what has all this got to do with another blog? The answer is that it has been such an interesting and frustrating experience that I am writing about it in the official Press For Change Publishing blog that I started ohhhh – about an hour ago.
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